A program for those experiencing grief and for ministry professional development
Grief follows no set schedule nor does it end after a brief period of mourning. While time might mellow the sadness and trauma of a devastating loss, it does not eliminate the grief that accompanies it. This five-week course offers insights into the process of grief over a long period of time and how grace can emerge from it. Each session includes both content and time for personal reflection and conversation with the presenter and other participants. Topics will include the meaning of grace and its relationship to loss, ways through unacknowledged and unresolved grief, and the emergence of hope from our deepest wounds. Post-Resurrection accounts from the Gospels provide a spiritual connection with each week’s topic and how we might recognize the presence of God’s grace as we walk the way of grief.
Tuesdays: Sep. 30* | Oct. 7 | Oct. 21 | Nov. 4 | Nov. 18 | Dec. 2
7:00-9:00 p.m. ET
$250 per semester
Required text:
Grace in the Wound: Finding Hope in Long-Term Grief, available from Twenty-Third Publications (use Code BCGRIEF for a discount).