
Ordinary Sacredness: Xaverian Values for Everyday Life

Feb 26, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025

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Full course description

6-Week Course


featuring texts, videos, and prayers by members of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier and Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools

This course explores the sacredness of the ordinary by highlighting the five core spiritual values in the Xaverian tradition: humility, simplicity, trust, compassion, and zeal. Drawing on the spiritual resources of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier, Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools, and the larger Christian tradition, join to reflect on the ways that God forms us as beloved daughters and sons in the common, ordinary, unspectacular flow of everyday life.


  • Week 1: Introduction to the Course
  • Week 2: Trust
  • Week 3: Humility
  • Week 4: Simplicity
  • Week 5: Compassion
  • Week 6: Zeal

Special Features

  • Weekly introductions to each new topic
  • Video clips from Xaverian brothers and partners in mission;
  • Text transcripts of each featured video;
  • Weekly questions for reflection and asynchronous discussion;
  • A weekly introduction and study guide; and
  • A regularly updated Resources page to use for further study.

All CSTM Online: Crossroads courses include these features

  • Participants have access 24 hours/7 days a week to the course's password-protected web site.
  • Each participant belongs to a small Community for Conversation and faith sharing guided by a facilitator.
  • The course site is usually available to participants at least three months after the course has ended.
  • An orientation on how to navigate the web site is always available.
  • Technical assistance is easy to contact and prompt in returning a message.
  • A Certificate of Active Participation is awarded to those who post at least three messages of substance for each week of content.

Materials Needed

One required text to be purchased prior to the start of the course:

Additional required texts accessible online:

Time Commitment

A participant can expect to spend an average of approximately 3-4 hours each week. This commitment includes both the assigned reading and interaction online.

Certificate Requirement Categories

  • Spirituality and Prayer
  • Themes from Our Christian Tradition

Content Scholars

Dr. Carolyn Herman, Ph.D. is a systematic theologian and the author of this course and  other Crossroads courses. She is also a veteran Crossroads facilitator and the Director of Staff Formation at Xaverian Brothers High School in Westwood, M.A.; Dr. Benjamin Horgan, Ed.D. is the Head of School at St. John's High School in Shrewsbury, MA and former Director of Formation for Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools; Henri J.M. Nouwen (1932-1996) (text) was a Dutch-born Catholic priest, professor, psychologist and prolific spiritual writer; Brother Lawrence Harvey, C.F.X. (video) is a member of the leadership team of the Congregation. He has served the Brothers as Director of Sponsorship, General Councilor and General Superior (2007-2013); Brother Arthur Caliman, C.F.X. (video) entered the Xaverian Brothers in 1965 from Brooklyn, NY. He currently serves as the Congregation Treasurer and the Chair of the Members of all Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools; Brother Joseph Pawlika, C.F.X. (video) has served in Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools as a Chemistry teacher, Assistant Principal, and School Counselor; Brother William Griffin C.F.X. (video), a Maryland native, has been a Xaverian Brother since 1962. He has served as a teacher, coach, writer, guidance counselor, administrator and missionary in NY, MD, OH, MA, Kenya, and Haiti; Brother Michael McCarthy, C.F.X. (video) began his teaching ministry in the U.S. at Xaverian Brothers high schools and served for twelve years in the Xaverian foreign missions; Brother Daniel Skala, C.F.X. (video) presently holds the position as General Superior of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier; Brother Dominique Omedjunga Olondo, C.F.X. (video) is from the Democratic Republic of Congo, currently works in Nairobi in the Xaverian Brothers’ Formation House and is a member of the Congregation’s General Council; Brother Patrick Fumbisha, C.F.X. (video) served as the Novice Master for the Xaverian Brothers in Kenya and Congo. He currently serves as the Vicar General for the Congregation.

Artwork: the Valley of Humility by Br. Edmund Rice, C.F.X.

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